Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Free CSS Template 020

free css template
After a very long time I have created one new free css template for my blog. I have been bussy with my other project and I have also moved from one city to another so I didn't have any spare time for blogging.

This is simple but nice two column free css template with tabbed navigation in the header section. Main content is on the left. I have integrated one 250x250 add box in the left column as a placeholder for adsense ads.

Template is 100% CSS and XHTML 1.0 Strict Valid.

This is an open source template and is released and distributed under Creative Commons 2.5 licence. You are free to use this template in any way you like. All I ask for is that you leave the web site design credit links in the footer of this template intact. Thank you for downloading.

Download this template here.


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