Monday, August 20, 2007

Creating your Own Dreamweaver Templates Files

Interesting article that shows you how you can create your own templates using Dreamweaver

If you have built websites, you understand how frustrating it can be to have to update the look and feel of a lot of web pages.

Fortunately, Dreamweaver has a built in system which will help you to update as many pages as you want very quickly.

To use a Dreamweaver template, you simply need to create a new Dreamweaver template file.

This can be done by choosing the 'New' button in Dreamweaver, and then choosing what type of template you want from the 'Template pages' menu (you can choose HTML or PHP etc...)

Once you have created a template, you can create any look that you want for your website. You might add a table and a website banner.

You also want to add at least one 'editable region' to your template (editable regions can be found in the drop down menu for template objects).

Once you have done this, you can save the template and start creating your website pages based on this template by applying a template to a page.

The point is to build many pages of content based on one DWT template. Then when you want to update the layout of these pages, instead of having to update each one, you simply update the main .dwt file.

It is really simple to do and worth taking a few minutes to figure out.

If you want to see this in action and learn step by step from video tutorials which teach you about Dreamweaver templates, be sure to visit

Jay Gilbert offers step by step guides for people who want to sell info products online. Sign up for the free Dreamweaver tips training course.

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